How do hashtags work for private photos

How do hashtags work for private photos

The hashtag makes possible for people to search or simply for photos, posts or topics they want to discuss or just view. Every Instagram account user who posted photos, video or comments has to think about who they really want to see their  photo or post. You can set your account to the public, and then everything you post will be available to everyone, or you can set your account to private, so hashtag to your photo or post will…

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How to write Caption on Instagram photos

How to write Caption on Instagram photos

Instagram is the world most famous social media network having millions of user’s active all day. Unlike Facebook, it cannot post status but you can post videos and photos with interesting hashtags. There are some rules of Instagram to write the captions on the photos but the majority of us are unaware of these rules and those who know then usually ignores. Following are the five-Instagram rules you must follow while writing captions. Don’t hurry while writing: Captions are the…

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Amazing ways to use Instagram for teaching

Amazing ways to use Instagram for teaching

Instagram is a very popular app used by teenagers today. Teachers in high schools would have realized that as well because students check their Instagram account for new updates and also to check pictures of their followers. Rather than spending most of your time in the classroom teaching your students using the projector or board, you can learn them using Instagram too. First, you need to open an Instagram account for the class and make the account private. This is…

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How is Instagram keeping art alive?

How is Instagram keeping art alive?

Instragram got the boost with the introduction of smart devices in the market, as it use became an ease for user. The use of these smart devices in the art institution― from MoMA to Meet to Louvre has pedant fume. Although, there is a criticism and suggestions by many to ban this extreme use of smart phones in the institutions, museums and art galleries. As, it seem to be a trouble and a negative use to be used in these…

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How Instagram Is Transforming Professional Cooking

How Instagram Is Transforming Professional Cooking

Instagram can help build a chef`s rep and clientele. Dining has reached an era when everyone with a decent eye is making quality photos that can even match magazine quality ones. If you search food hashtag on Instagram you will be amazed how many perfect images of meals you will find. Chefs are embracing this new era in a great way but they know that a good food photo for Instagram has to be carefully planned with creativity and thinking…

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4 Ways to become Instagram Hipster

4 Ways to become Instagram Hipster

You want to be an Instagram hipster and you do not know how. You have to follow few basic things so you can create a real Instagram hipster account. If you do everything right, you will have an account with inspiring hipster photos, posts, and videos. When you chose your user name for this account, try to pick a name that will include something from your own name and your last name and you join them with an underscore. You…

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Celebrating Halloween with Instagram

Celebrating Halloween with Instagram

Halloween is a time of superstition and celebration. It`s origins date way beck to the ancient Celtic Samhain, over the time Helloween became a community-based event. When we think of Halloween, we think about child-friendly activities of which the most known is  trick-or-treat. In many countries around the world, nights get colder and days get shorter, and people use this winter seasons for gathering, costumes and treats. It may sound incredible but for Halloween, one-quarter of all the candy purchased…

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Why Real Estate Agents should use Instagram

Why Real Estate Agents should use Instagram

Young real estate agents are experimenting with using social media in order to grow their business. In an attempt to reach younger buyers, Instagram is the best network to use. They  tailor the content of their account so it suits users of Instagram and their goal is to have as many followers as possible, who can become their buyer. They use more hashtags to get easily found in searches. Some of them go even further and create their own mobile…

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How bloggers can become famous through Instagram

How bloggers can become famous through Instagram

Instagram is an online application for mobiles which allows its users to snap photos and videos, and share them on the app and also through a variety of other social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others. Instagram has become an alternative to Facebook for many users. Social networking communities allow people connect and relate. These sites allow individuals make new friends, build their businesses and extend their personal base by interacting with friends of friends which has an effect…

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Hidden Instagram Hacks & Features;Everyone Should Know About !!

Hidden Instagram Hacks & Features;Everyone Should Know About !!

More and more adults use Instagram and it is becoming popular in many aspect ways of their lives. There are some less known tips and features Instagram has to offer and that would be helpful for beginners and advanced Instagram users to know. How many times it happened to you that you were commenting you wish you have seen some post when it was posted because we could do this or that. We all want to be informed when our…

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