Why Real Estate Agents should use Instagram

Why Real Estate Agents should use Instagram

Young real estate agents are experimenting with using social media in order to grow their business. In an attempt to reach younger buyers, Instagram is the best network to use. They  tailor the content of their account so it suits users of Instagram and their goal is to have as many followers as possible, who can become their buyer. They use more hashtags to get easily found in searches.

Some of them go even further and create their own mobile applications, and they promote them on Instagram.

A good way to promote real estate on Instagram is by using Instagram photo stories. They can present an open house, for example, and more people will have a way to know about it. If you want to have a good promotion, you have to be creative too. You have to make this stories eye-catching and interesting.

Instagram has a Photo Map option, and it gives Real estate agents the chance to use this geotag feature and put thumbnail to their photos, and then onto a Google map, so their followers see where it was taken.

Instagram provides best video production platform with is also easy to use. The video that you share on Instagram can be up to 15 seconds. It is a challenge to show short, but effective video tour of a property that is on the market, and it gives you the possibility to make this from different angles. You can be creative, interesting, funny…Everything you think will be interesting to your followers and will make them a comment, like a share.

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If you go to this kind of engagement, it is always good to interact will people and get to know you better. Make interesting replies to their comments, make a small talk, be friendly and available.

You will be able to create more close to your followers if photos or video you share are the ones you made. Posting content photographed and recorded by you is essential because you make an approach to your potential clients that are more friendly, not polished and they believe you much more. This way you make a bond with your potential clients and one day if they decide to buy or sell a property, they will come to you.

Making an Instagram videos of your real estate listing is very good thing to do but you have to prepare before you do that. You know exactly what you want to present. Be spontaneous and as natural as you can be in this limited amount of time, and make the most of them. Create bullet point list with we key aspects of your listing. The one you want to highlight, take a few seconds clip and make a comment. This can be very effective.

Keep your followers up to date. Offer them quick tips from time to time.

You can also make before and after stories or videos with success stories of your buyers. You start with the house once one the market, your customers first visit the house, and them with them as new owners. I am sure your followers will like this, and it will also show how professional you are and dedicated to your clients.

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