Hidden Instagram Hacks & Features;Everyone Should Know About !!

Hidden Instagram Hacks & Features;Everyone Should Know About !!

More and more adults use Instagram and it is becoming popular in many aspect ways of their lives. There are some less known tips and features Instagram has to offer and that would be helpful for beginners and advanced Instagram users to know.

How many times it happened to you that you were commenting you wish you have seen some post when it was posted because we could do this or that. We all want to be informed when our favorite people make a post. You can make this possible by turning on the notification for users you want to get post notification.

Once you do not want to be notified anymore, you just put notification button off.

Sometimes we wonder what have we liked. Instagram has an option “Posts You’ve Liked”. This option is on your profile and you just have to click on “Options” button and then  click “Posts You’ve Liked” and you will see everything you liked, all in one place.

Similar things can be done if you want to see people you follow have liked recently. If you want to see recent posts or comments from the people you follow. All you have to do is to click the heart icon at the bottom of the home screen that shows people liked your posts or photos. Just chose the tab “Following”.

Many times we want to look through Instagram photos without a fear that you will like something by accident. To prevent this happening, first, you load the photos and then turn on airplane mode and then start scrolling. When you want to load more photos, just turn airplane mode off, and you can do the whole thing again.

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We all sometimes wished we could clear our search history on Instagram. Good news is you can do it. Once again, you go to your profile button and click the “Options” button. If you scroll down you will find the button you need – “Clear Search History”. Click and the job was done.

Instagram can be used as a photo editor, but you do not have to post anything, or you can post it some other time. All you need to do is publish photo while your phone is on airplane mode.

If you decide you want to post a photo, you just do the normal steps to post a photo on Instagram. You just upload the photo, edit, and press “Share”. You will get an error message to inform you that the upload failed, but you will be able to find the edited photo in the photo gallery.

Sometimes we are tagged in the photo we do not really want to be tagged in on Instagram. If want to make sure you have a control of photos added to your profile, you just make sure you turn the option to add tagged photos manually.

To see who tagged you in what photo, you go to your own profile and click on photos below your bio.

If your location pin in turned on, a map will appear with your photos grouped by the place you were at when you posted them. You can remove location pin from some photos, or from all of them.

There are many other hidden Instagram hacks and features you should know about, but some of them you will have to figure out by yourself.

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