How to write Caption on Instagram photos

How to write Caption on Instagram photos

Instagram is the world most famous social media network having millions of user’s active all day. Unlike Facebook, it cannot post status but you can post videos and photos with interesting hashtags. There are some rules of Instagram to write the captions on the photos but the majority of us are unaware of these rules and those who know then usually ignores.

Following are the five-Instagram rules you must follow while writing captions.

  • Don’t hurry while writing:

Captions are the description of the photos that must be really attractive and classy. The majority of the Instagram users captures the picture and immediately post it with whatever captions comes in the mind. This is highly unappreciated practice. First, think of an interesting caption then post. The interesting caption may take the time to click to your mind, wait for it and then upload. This will not only attract the users to watch your picture but also you will get the maximum likes.

  • Choose a signature style:

Select a signature style for you to write the captions. Apply tricks to make the caption gain more attraction and likes. Sometimes because of the caption, you can get maximum likes rather than the pictures. You can also play a song or an appealing line with your pictures. Pick the length of audio that perfectly suits with the picture. Do not just add your favorite song that does not match with the picture at all. Although the song is, good but still it will ruin the image of the picture.

  • Use limited number of hashtags:
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Instagram has an interesting feature that unlike others its caption uses hashtags. These hashtags are innovation and because of these, Instagram got a lot of popularity. Use hashtags within your sentences but do not overburden the sentence with hashtags. Just a limited number of hashtags are ok. Too much hash tags will look over and nasty.

For example:



If we examine both captions we will see the caption number two is looking better because of a limited number of hashtags used in it.

  • Sensibly use emoji:

Emoji is a good innovation in the captions. With the help of these, we can clearly explain our emotions to our followers. These emojis are available for Instagram for all the possible feeling you can go throw. Using of emoji within the sentence give it a pick and looks good, but too much emojis like 5 emojis in the same row looks very odd and let your followers think that your phone might be misused by any toddler or immature person.

  • Go for wisecrack to make it looks more interesting:

Whenever you are in a doubt and cannot find any perfect caption, you can go for a wisecrack or joke. Despite writing a common simple caption, a joke that fits your photograph caption is a better option. It will appeal your followers and make them smile while watching your photograph.


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