Amazing ways to use Instagram for teaching

Amazing ways to use Instagram for teaching

Instagram is a very popular app used by teenagers today. Teachers in high schools would have realized that as well because students check their Instagram account for new updates and also to check pictures of their followers. Rather than spending most of your time in the classroom teaching your students using the projector or board, you can learn them using Instagram too.

First, you need to open an Instagram account for the class and make the account private. This is necessary because you have to protect the students you teach; the account shouldn’t be made public. There should be a thorough review before anyone is added. Still wondering how Instagram and teaching works? Below are easy ways to teach students on Instagram:

  1. Give assignments: Students spend their time on Instagram so giving them a task on it makes it fun to them. It won’t be about taking random photos, but they will still find it more exciting than reading some pages in a textbook to solve their assignment. You can post some pictures on Instagram and tell them to write about it. You can also tell them to find any photo relating to a particular topic and write about it.
  2. Upload students work. Snap and post pictures of students’ artwork and other projects to share on the private Instagram account which should only be accessible to your students, their families and others in your school community.
  3. Student of the week. Feature a student every week on the Instagram account. Tell the student to share some amazing pictures of his or her artwork or some pictures that are inspiring.
  4. Capture memories from field trip: Take photos while on your area tours, excursions or during exciting educational activities and post them on your Instagram account. This creates memories as students would be happy to check those photos.
  5. Make students browse historical photos: Tell students to browse photos relating to history. They can browse photos of great people and historical places and upload such photos on Instagram.
  6. Reading recommendations: Tell your students to snap and post pictures of the books they are currently reading and then browse through the photos in your Instagram feed. Encourage the students to check out the photos too for more ideas on what to read.
  7. Record your steps in an experiment: Record the experiments you perform on the class Instagram. Chemical reactions and other tests can easily be uploaded. This creates an avenue for the student always to check on the research and understand it better. Make sure such videos and photos are always kept and preserved on Instagram for reference purposes.
  8. Discover ideas for writing: Inform students to share pictures and write inspirational stories relating to such photos. This helps in improving their writing skill.
  9. Document student progress: Upload pictures of student’s writing and work at the start and end of the year. This helps in showing the improvement that they have made regarding their work in school.
See also  Ways to Keep Your Instagram Account Safe



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