How do hashtags work for private photos

How do hashtags work for private photos

The hashtag makes possible for people to search or simply for photos, posts or topics they want to discuss or just view.

Every Instagram account user who posted photos, video or comments has to think about who they really want to see their  photo or post.

You can set your account to the public, and then everything you post will be available to everyone, or you can set your account to private, so hashtag to your photo or post will not be shown on the corresponding hashtag page.

If your account is set to private and you add a hashtag to your post, the post won’t appear publicly on the corresponding hashtag page. Only your approved followers will be able to see your posts on hashtag pages or in Instagram Direct messages.

First, know that you can’t set just individual photos to private. When you go private on Instagram, it’s a profile-wide affair. However, making your profile private doesn’t limit your ability to do any of the basics — it simply means that only your approved followers can see your photos. You can still share your photos publicly, such as on other sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare, right from your Instagram profile. Also, people don’t lose the ability to find your private Instagram profile. They can still find you, see your profile photo and how many photos and followers you have.

A private profile could  be a deterrent from following you, seeing as how the person has to go through a screening process rather than become an instant follower. If you want to build a large following, your effort will be hampered if you’re using a private account. Also, even if you attach a hashtag to your photo, your photo will remain hidden from the general public when you have a private profile.

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People who are not your followers can not make comments on your profile because they can not see it.

If you use geo-tagging feature people can discover many things about you and your life, but not only that. Thay can see a pattern of where you go at a various time, and someone can use this if they want to harm you or just make something to be able to make fun of you. This is why if you choose to have a private account you will be protected of.

When you click on a hashtag you will be able to see only the public posts tagged with them. Even if hashtags are put on private posts, that post is hidden from view in the hashtag pages.

If you have your own private posts, you can make them open clicking on one of your tags and opening your hashtags page for the post.

If you’re wanting to advertise a business, cause or project, a private profile will only work against you.

If you put your businesses Instagram profile to Private, that can be the worse business decision to make. Many potential customers will not be able to see your photos or posts, but also and hashtag that can make more people see your profile. You really do not need a business Instagram account if you want just friends and family to see your posts or photos.

You have to remember that only Public account would be able to tag and they will only be visible from tag pages.

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