Use Instagram to Find Places to Visit (and Avoid) on Vacation

Use Instagram to Find Places to Visit (and Avoid) on Vacation

Whenever you go on a vacation you to find something unique for that place that makes it special and worth seen. It may be cultural moment, nice little neighborhood, or some cozy bar on the beach. Instagram is the perfect tool to make this happen.

You can visit travel sites, print guide or talk to your friends and ask them to recommend something. But, for me, it is much more fun, easier to do, and I get exactly what I want.

Once you decide where you want to go, you chek location tag and you will be able to see most recent posts and see comments on them. Depending on what kind of person or traveler you are, you can look for the things that are most interesting to you. You will be able to see things trough different perspectives and those would the real things people post without any filters of travel agents for fancy travel books.

Instagram has “Top Search” and “Search Places” options and it can open up the world to you about places you consider to visit.

Instagram gives you opportunity not just to find the best or worse place to visit, but also you can see the variety of cultural insights that you did not really know anything about. You can find out about where people like you hang out, what way is proper to dress or if there are any socio-political dangers in the country or the city you want to visit.

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Instagram is also a perfect place to find out what places to avoid so you spare yourself from long lines or other tourists trap you can easily get in.

When you plan your trip, it is very useful to know how much money you will have to spend so it is great to know that by using Instagram you can track down happy hour deals, for example.

Instagram is full of unexploited travel tips from people like us, who have found something nice and wants to show it to other people.

You can make your Instagram search by hashtagging the name of the place you want to visit and explore. If you want to get more specific details you have to be more specific on your hashtag.

While you explore your hashtag destination, you pay attention to against using that same destination often. This is the way to find bloggers or locals who will give away tips you need. They can be a real treasure to find all the good and bad things about the place that you will not have a way to know some other way.

Countries, cities, and regions usually have their tourism board Instagram account. You can find some useful information there for sure. Many of them even have their hashtags they encourage people to use.

There is one more thing you can do on Instagram when you plan your trip. You can post a photo on your Instagram account and ask users to give you some tips. To get what you want to try to be as specific as you can about your interests. People share insights about best and worse things about the places they visited.

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You can see images of gorgeous locations you would never know existed or you can use something that looks like your worse nightmare. Either way, Instagram will provide you information about the destination you consider to visit, and it will provide you the tools to make research and in the end, you decide if you will visit or avoid that specific place.




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