Safety tips to have in mind when using Instagram

Safety tips to have in mind when using Instagram

Like every other social media, Instagram is safe to the user if you know that you have to be careful, respect the rules and think before you post something. There are some precaution measures you should have on your mind to secure you are safe on Instagram.

When you create your Instagram account, make sure your password is unique and it is better not to use the same password for more than one social media accounts. Make sure you create a strong password that will not be easy to crack. It is also recommendable to log out after you finished your session on Instagram. You set your account for email notification and that way you will get your notification of new activity.

You should always have on your mind is that you have to think before post something. It is a social network and you should think if what you post would be acceptable to you if not only your friends see your photos or videos, but maybe their friends too, or some other unknown people. If you are not comfortable with this idea, you should keep it off the Instagram. You can always use more private options to share something with your friends.

You should always post only appropriate photos and videos that you think would be acceptable in general social environment, no matter if you post it for private or business purpose.

Some people like to show off how popular they are so they have an open account. If you are not that kind of person, and most people are not, there are options available that can help you stay safe.

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By using this option, you set your account to private mode so only people you have approved them to become your followers can see your posts.

Also, you can use Instagram Direct to share posts directly to people you chose. You can do this even if they are not your followers. This will not show up on any searches or on any of your profiles.

There is also Photo Map option available on Instagram. This allows people to see your location in real time. You can always turn off this function. You have the option to remove   location details from your photos so you can prevent identity thieves to collect data like your address or workplace and create a profile on you.

And one more tips that can be useful to stay safe. Do your best and try not to get in verbal conflict with people on Instagram by making a comment that you really do not need to make. If you like photos or videos just simply view and enjoy them. If you like something, make a comment if you want. Photos and videos you do not like you just ignore. This way you will avoid the possibility of getting harassed on Instagram.

Be smart and you will be safe.

Bir önceki yazımız olan Inspiring Non-Profits on Instagram başlıklı makalemizi de okumanızı öneririz.

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