Instagram marketing to promote your business or personal profile through social media

Instagram marketing to promote your business or personal profile through social media

If you are reading this article, then you are in the know that social media and networks are truly economical means of promoting your business, cause or just your ideas. It can get users to relate directly to you and to keep on discussing your products even they haven’t decided to buy yet.

Among numerous social media networks, some stand out but Instagram is unique and proves to be the distinct and engaging, making itself a choice for many businesses and important personalities.

But how do you get your business or personal profiles noticed on Instagram? How do you ensure that you are reaching the people you want to reach? This article presents a quick guide.

  1. Create quality pictures:

Pictures are the primary things on Instagram, and the engagement you will get will be proportional to the quality of your photos. It is, therefore, imperative to have high-quality photos if you intend to increase the visibility of your profiles. One rule of thumb is to make sure that your pictures are squared. Although Instagram reports that this is no longer a challenge, square images appear to be more visually appealing!

  1. Connect your Bio link to your Landing Page

If you are trying to promote your business or cause on Instagram, then your bio link must log in to the page on your website from which the photo is taken. This will increase traffic to your site. Who knows if the traffic will move further into your sales funnel?

  1. Be Social:
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We cannot overemphasize the importance of being social on Instagram. Whether you are looking to promote your personal or business profiles, connecting, engaging and maybe helping other people’s profiles and companies will get you the promotion you need. Take advantage of trending hashtags by including relevant ones to your posts. Use Instagram tags to tag enterprises or people who you find interesting and make sure to share pictures with them. The reward for this will be more recognition and increased ‘follows.’

  1. Diversify Content:

Pictures are fun and spontaneous, but if you are looking to promote your Instagram profiles, then you need more than just pictures. Put some thoughts into the creation of short videos or use your photos to make videos. Instagram is about telling stories in pictures, and nothing can tell visual stories more than videos.

  1. Spend Some Change:

If you are not short on cash, spending some money to sponsor your posts will put you I front of many people and will most certainly promote your profiles. Before you spend money sponsoring posts, make sure you have a reputation for excellent posts else your efforts will be futile.

  1. Plan Posts In Advance:

By scheduling posts in advance, you will get the be able to make relevant posts that will get more ReGrams

  1. Engage Influencers:

For every niche, there are hundreds if not thousands of influencers. Find and engage the influencers in your niche, and they will put you in front of many people who already trust them.



Bir önceki yazımız olan 5 reasons you need to be on Instagram başlıklı makalemizi de okumanızı öneririz.

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