How Instagram can promote your business

How Instagram can promote your business

In the past, it takes an entrepreneur a lot of time, money and promotions before your product can sail through to the market or known. But today, the introduction of social media on the internet has helped many entrepreneurs to achieve their aims, objectives, and goals. With the birth of Instagram on the social media platform, many wise business owners have joined the train to showcase and promote their firms and ideas. It is a medium that can turn your idea into reality if properly harnessed.

Highlighted below are ways you can promote your business on Instagram and link with your target audience to transact business with you.

Connect it to your other social channels

If you link your Instagram account with your other social media channels, this will connect you with more people, the majority of which will probably buy your product or services. It will also give you more followers. If you link your Instagram with Facebook and Twitter accounts, with that, any Instagram image you shared will be posted automatically to your Twitter and Facebook profiles and people can access the Instagram stream, comment, like a picture or follow your product or service.

Once people contact you, your business will begin to grow, and within a short time, it will expand more than you could image.

 Post What People Want

Post a product photo of your product. It is not compulsory you display professional shots of your product; it could be a shot of you during product preparation process or at an event. Some of your audience might just prefer the rough photo and not a professional one.

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Post Video of your product

Another advantage is that Instagram allows video upload by users. Keep them sweet and short; don’t take much time for your audience. You can as well include your Instagram product video on your blog or website.

Use Hashtags

Because people use hashtags to sort images, you can use hashtags that have to do with your image and through this you can reach out to more people. You can as well find by looking for relevant hashtags.

Reply Comments

Your followers will love it when they read your response to their observations, cultivate the habit of responding to your audience daily. Follow other people and leave a comment and as well connect with them on another social platform.

Present your brand’s outline

Sometimes, it’s hard to know who your brand on Twitter is really, but the image you posted on Instagram will help you do that. Let your image post on Instagram go beyond your image alone, post other favorite pictures of your followers as well to win your audience.

Be Consistent in pictures displaying

Consistency is the key, same with any other social media platform. Do your posting of photos often to keep your audience updated as they expect new things from you. Make sure you post unique and detailed images of your product at all times.


Bir önceki yazımız olan 5 reasons you need to be on Instagram başlıklı makalemizi de okumanızı öneririz.

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